04 June 2006

Urgent News Report!!!
It appears that Arkansas isn't the only place with unbearable humidity. It's been in the 70s here and the air is chock full of water. We (I) sweat when I'm just sitting outside.
I've noticed that being on time is virtually impossible when you rely on busses to get places. Today five busses passed before I found one I could get on to get to church. Speaking of being on time to church, it never is when it is supposed to be. It "starts" at 10 but no really until like 1020 or so. I like it. Very casual.
Oh yeah and kudos to those people that washed their clothes by hand at some point. It is HARD! It takes forever and now all my clothes feel like cardboard. SO basically I just don't wash clothes very much, a little more than the girls do, but then you guys know the girls we're here with.
Well I have church in an hour or so and I'm trying hard to be on time for once. Hope everything goes well in other parts of the world.